Friday, February 27, 2009

2 Month Check Up

Yesterday Reese had her 2 month check up. The biggest news I have is she has grown 3 1/4". She is now 24 1/4". She barely gained any weight from last appointment. She is in the 75 percentile on both weight and height. Good news, she is healthy and happy! Over the last few nights she has been sleeping in 4 or 5 hour stretches which Aaron and I love. We are not used to this much sleep. She got all her shots which she didnt seem to mind the 5 pricks she got in her legs. She isnt going to stay a baby for long so I am cherishing these moments as long as I can.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

4 Generations

Over the weekend Reese's great grandma came to visit. It was great to have 4 generations all together. It was another person to hold Reese and her to smile at. Grandma got Reese to give huge smiles and laughs.

She is 8 weeks old now and talking a lot. It is almost like she is carrying on conversations with you. She loves to stand up and look around, I am wondering if she will walk before she crawls ;).

She is definitely growing up before our eyes. It has been tough since I went back to work, I do not like dropping her off at daycare, but I really LOVE picking her up and kissing her puggy cheeks.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Reese's Spa Treatment

This is Reese's first "official" bath. She is going to be a girly girl who loves her spa treatments. She was so relaxed and content. About 5 minutes before her bath she had been crying for about an hour (or maybe longer). We have found something that actually works for her.

Just yesterday we took her to the dr so we could really find out why she was fussing and unhappy most of the time. We found she might be lactose intolerant. We have soy formula now and we are trying that for awhile to see if that far so good. If this does not work the next possible solution is acid reflux. We just want to know so we can calm her and make her happy.

We will keep you posted.