Thursday, March 26, 2009

Reese's First Illness

The colds have gone through our family and hopefully they are gone for the season. Aaron & I both had little colds this year and we are pretty sure we passed it a long to Reese. On Sunday, we noticed she was starting to get a chest cold but she didnt have a fever and she was still very happy little girl. By the time I picked her up from daycare on Tuesday she was not my precious little girl anymore. She was very pale and could barely lift up her head to greet me when I came in the room. She had a little bit of a temperature so I called the dr. They wanted to see her right away. Come to find out she has RSV and a little ear infection. We have had her home from daycare over the last 2 days and will probably be out the rest of the week next week. Over the last 2 days she has slept a lot and she still has her appetite. Tonight she is doing so much better. She has her color back, she wants to play and is talking again. My Reese is back!! It is scary stuff, Aaron and I have taken turns sleeping on the floor so we know she is still breathing. She is a lot like her dad when it comes to being sick, she goes with the flow and does not seem to bothered by it. She was rarely fussy. Hopefully we will not have to visit this situation again.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Latest with the Langs

I am proud to announce Aaron received a promotion at work. This promotion is well deserved and all his hard work has paid off. He was getting very frustrated because over the last few months he was passed up twice for similiar positions. He starts his new position on the 16th. The only negative thing is we are not able to carpool anymore because he will have different hours. This does mean we can drop off Reese later at daycare and I can pick her up earlier. Congratulation Aaron!!

This past week we bough Reese her first chair. She sits in it for awhile until she is unable to hold her head up.