Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Time to Catch Up

I am sorry it has been so long since we have posted, we have had an interesting month.
Reese got sick again and her dr was close to admitting her to the hospital. Right after she had RSV she got bronchitis. With the bronchitis came an inhaler and 5 days of steroids. We waited has long as we could to do the inhaler & steriods, unfortunately she was not getting enough air into her lungs, so the steriods helped her. We pray this will not have any long term effects and she will not have asthma. It has taken a long time for her to get back to herself. She is now back to talking and smiling a lot more. As of right now she has a runny nose but I think that comes a long with being in daycare.
Reese was not the only one that got sick, I got sick also. First I got pink eye and then right after that I got a sore throat that knocked me out. I have been sick more in the last few months then have in the last few years.
She recently learned to roll over & now she is anxious to sit up. She is a little more then 4 months she is growing up fast already! At her 4 month check up she grew 2 1/4" so she is now 26 1/4"!! She is going to be tall, hopefully not taller then her mom. She did not gain any weight but the dr was not worried because she was sick and grew a lot.

Cannot wait for the nice weather to arrive so we can spend more time outside! Maggie is ready to be outside more and definitely swim more at my parents house.

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